Our mission  

The main target of the activities pursued by Csabaholding Service Providing Ltd is to provide advice to distressed companies, with the help of which most jobs may be preserved, creditors' interests are the least impaired, and there is a chance of further operating the company either in its entirety or in part. The company observes the statutory provisions regulating insolvency proceedings and also takes the recommendations of the Code of Conduct into consideration issued by the Hungarian Association of Insolvency Practitioners and Asset Controllers (FOE).
Csabaholding Service Providing Ltd, as an insolvency organisation registered in the Register of Insolvency Companies, deems it indispensable that during the pursuit of its asset controlling and liquidating activities appointed by the County Courts it should prove:

  • its competence, expertise and experience in insolvency proceedings;
  • its high level of knowledge of the bankruptcy law and its related statutes;
  • its diligence, conscientiousness and accuracy;
  • its independence and impartiality with respect to the parties concerned;
  • its risk-taking ability and cost-efficient insolvency administration best serving the interests of the creditors;
  • its ability to recuperate, retain, efficiently operate and sell the assets.

To this end Csabaholding Service Providing Ltd provides its counselling, asset controlling and liquidation services with highly qualified experts with degrees earned in the field of law, economics and accountancy. In addition to this, the company considers lifelong learning important and to provide ongoing retraining for its colleagues and to closely monitor the international experience, results and the latest developments of the insolvency profession.



1146 Bp., Thököly út 59/A., I/3.
T: 06-1-450-04-34,
Fax: 06-1-270-96-37
  5600 Békéscsaba, Teleki
u. 6.
T: 06-66-454-411
Fax: 06-66-445-464
  5000 Szolnok, Liget u. 7. fsz. 1.
Tel/fax: 56/376-230.
  7636 Pécs, Fáy A. u. 24.
Tel: 72/214-120
Fax: 72/515-668
  4026 Debrecen, Bem tér 21.
Tel/fax: 52/347-411
9027 Győr, Gyóni Géza sétány 4. A. ép. IV. em. 406.
Tel: 96/524-756
Fax: 96/524-757
  4400 Nyíregyháza, Szegfű u. 73.
Tel. 42/787-735
Fax: 42/787-495
  9700 Szombathely, Kárpáti Kelemen u. 120.
Tel: 94/320-928
Honlap: Ananké Web Kft.